Role of Parking Enforcement Security Guards

Parking Enforcement Security Guards

The role of security guards is of the utmost importance in maintaining discipline at any public place, be it an outdoor event, a corporate meeting, or even a parking lot. It is very common for people to face parking conflicts, and to resolve these issues, a trained security guard is required to provide guidance and make people follow the regulations.

This blog aims to highlight how having a parking security guard can facilitate people and make the parking process easier and hassle-free. The following are the roles of a security guard appointed for a parking lot;

Enforcing Parking Regulations

There is a set of rules that every person should take into account when parking, these rules are created to make the parking process disciplined and prevent the risk of accidents. When there is no security guard in a parking lot, people tend to abide by the parking rules, which results in chaos and frustration among people.

This problem can be solved by appointing parking enforcement security guards; they make sure parking regulations are being followed and guide the visitors wisely about the available parking lots and rules.

When a security guard takes care of the parking lot, it results in a better customer experience, and people leave the venue happy and satisfied.

Parking can be frustrating and sometimes results in conflicts if not given attention and guidance, with a security guard, the situation can be controlled smartly, and visitors can be provided the necessary guidance.

Ensuring Safety and Security

It is common for theft to take place in parking lots if left unattended, in this regard, the presence of a security guard can help to prevent thefts or robbery from taking place. The security guards make sure visitors do not exceed the speed limit on the premises and prioritize the safety of the visitors as well as their vehicles.

When there is a security guard available in the parking lot, it also gives visitors a sense of security and assures the safety of their vehicles. When there is a security guard on the premises, it also prevents any illegal action from taking place because they keep the parking lot under observation and report immediately if any suspicious activity is seen.

Managing Traffic Flow

The absence of a security guard results in traffic jams and chaos, which only makes the parking process frustrating and undisciplined. To make sure people follow the rules and the flow of traffic does not get affected, hiring a parking enforcement security guard can be a great option.

Security guards make visitors follow traffic rules, which avoids chaos and results in smooth and hassle-free traffic flow. Apart from this, parking security guards can help guide the visitors about the appropriate department. They communicate clearly about the empty parking lots and manage when there is no vacancy for parking. It also saves time for visitors.

Customer Service

Customer service is taken as a priority by every business owner and organization; it is important to facilitate customers by providing them with a hassle-free parking experience, and to do so, appointing parking enforcement security guards plays an important role.

Parking security guards not only guide visitors to the department they’re looking for.Additionally,they resolve parking conflicts, manage vacant parking lots, and ensure traffic regulations are followed. When there is a security guard in the parking lot, it also provides peace of mind for the visitors.

When a customer is well-guided in the parking lot and enjoys hassle-free parking, it automatically impacts the business reputation and results in enhanced customer relations.

By appointing parking enforcing security guards, business owners can boost their overall growth, it will not only be great for customer relations but will contribute to the safety of people and property. If you are a business owner, you should take notes and not hesitate to appoint a security guard for the organization’s parking lot.

The security guard’s presence will prevent crimes, provide safety, keep the premises under observation, resolve parking conflicts, and ensure smooth traffic flow without any chaos. And above all, it will add to the prevention of unwanted accidents and mishaps in case an emergency arrives.

The security guards will be trained enough to respond immediately and take appropriate actions towards the situation.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh for more details.

What is The Main Purpose of Security Services

What is The Main Purpose of Security Services

Wants to know what is the main purpose of security services?

The main purpose of hiring security services for any public place is to ensure people’s and property’s safety. Your home, workplace, or any event involving public interaction should be fully secured and safe. Maintaining an adequate security system is of the utmost importance to avoid any criminal or indecent event.

This blog will highlight the importance and purpose of security services along with the benefits one can avail of by implementing a trained and well-equipped security system. Below are some of the prominent aspects where security services are required;

Physical Security

The first and most important purpose of security services is to ensure the physical security of the people and property. Any residential building or workplace should implement security protocols to prevent theft or crime from taking place.

Incidents like robbery or theft can take place anywhere, anytime. Therefore, one should be prepared and well-equipped to cater to the situation. Any place with insufficient security can be a threat to criminal activities.

By availing of security services, the prevention of crimes and theft can be made possible. Security services provide on-site trained security guards who keep the premises under observation 24/7 and provide immediate response in case of an emergency.

Nowadays, in-person security guards alone are not sufficient therefore, security devices such as CCTV cameras are also brought into use to work efficiently and smartly. Physical security also brings peace of mind to the people and guarantees a safe and peaceful environment.


In this era of emerging technology, most of the business owners preserve their important data digitally. It is important to apply strict security to this data to prevent it from any sort of digital attack; this is where the purpose of cybersecurity comes into action.

Cybersecurity includes those measures that are taken to keep the data and programs saved and prevent hackers from accessing confidential data and information.

Every business owner should invest in a decent cybersecurity system to ensure the safety of their customer’s valuable data, which in turn helps in gaining customers’ trust and an overall enhanced customer experience.

Cyberattacks can be a hindrance to a business’s growth. Therefore, maintaining security is important and should be taken as a priority.

Information Security

Information security is important for places involving confidential data and records that are meant to be kept safe. Any place that contains important records or information should hire security services to limit unauthorized people from accessing the information.

By implementing information security, visitors can be restricted from accessing the private part of the property involving confidential data; it also ensures that only responsible people get access to the data.

A well-equipped information security results in better customer relations, improved business growth, cost savings, and enhanced business reputation.

Risk Management

Risk management is an important consideration every organization should take into account. Any workplace can encounter emergencies, be it a medical emergency, natural disaster, an act of robbery, or criminal activity. By implementing a security system, organizations can better respond to emergencies, and it also helps in reducing the loss that can be caused by an emergency.

Trained security guards play an integral role in case of an emergency, they make sure to evacuate the scene, provide first aid to the patients, and also inform the necessary healthcare facility to arrive at the scene. Risk management is a great planning that helps organizations to strategically deal with complex situations by making sure no or few casualties take place and is also a cost-effective solution.

Effective risk management not only preserves the organization’s reputation and customer relations but also allows business owners to make great decisions and promote business growth.

The above points have made it quite clear why security services are important. In a nutshell, a well-equipped and adequate security system is indirectly related to the organization’s overall reputation and growth.

All business owners should not compromise on security systems and should implement safety protocols to create a safe environment to work.

If you are a business owner and have not hired security services yet, it’s high time you invest in a decent security system because accidents come uninformed, and the only way to prevent them or deal with them is by having great planning and a team of trained security guards.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh for more information.

5 Benefits of Surveillance Technology

Benefits of Surveillance Technology

Looking for benefits of surveillance technology?

Maintaining security is important for any workplace, although there can be no better replacement for an on-site security guard, with the advancement of technology, surveillance technology is taking its place in the security industry due to its efficiency and great performance.

When implementing a security system, organizations must consider installing video surveillance technology to enhance overall security. This blog will share how can video surveillance technology be beneficial for your organization.

1. Enhanced Security

Video surveillance results in enhanced security as compared to an in-person security guard. The biggest example is that a security guard cannot work 24/7. He might fall sick, get tired, or be distracted, whereas the video surveillance cameras monitor the premises and provide you clear footage of the surroundings 24/7, which helps deter crimes and improves security.

Modern AI surveillance cameras are now equipped with advanced features that allow them to detect a thief or robber trying to access the premises in unusual hours. This feature provides alerts to the security guard to make them alert and aware, which in turn drops the risk of robbery or theft.

2. Improved Efficiency

Video surveillance cameras work more efficiently as compared to an on-site security guard. The cameras not only provide you with footage 24/7 but also does the recording of every second. These cameras can be linked to your mobile phone via an application that allows you to keep track of the premises from anywhere in the world.

This feature is found to be helpful in situations where there is a risk of theft or robbery. By having an idea of the activity, an immediate response can be taken to prevent the activity from taking place. Apart from this, when these surveillance cameras are used, it also reduces the risk of human error.

The best part about these cameras is that it is a cost-effective solution for organizations and can be a great option as a one-time investment.

3. Accident Investigation

When accidents take place, an on-site security guard can only provide little to no facts about how the accident took place. But with video surveillance cameras, you can carry out a thorough and detailed investigation of the accident.

These cameras allow you to track the accident with time, for example, you can have an idea of when the robber entered and escaped from the place, in some cases, the faces of robbers can be easily identified through the recording, which can be a plus point in the investigation process.

With the help of these cameras, legal proceedings and security investigations can be carried out easily.

4. Loss Prevention

Places with no implementation of security systems are more likely to be the victims of theft or robbery, with the use of video monitoring cameras, the risk of such incidents can be reduced. The best part of these cameras is that they can be easily integrated with other smart devices to work more efficiently.

For example, you can integrate them with your fire alarm system or smart door lock when all the smart appliances are well integrated; this is proven to be helpful in case of an emergency. By making use of this strategy, organizations can improve their security system, and smart risk management can be achieved.

Apart from this, by implementing video surveillance cameras, companies can reduce their insurance cost. This is because a high-quality security system does not allow accidents to take place too often.

5. Regulatory Compliance

To ensure the smooth operation of your organization, you should keep the regulatory compliance and physical security of your organization alongside. By following regulatory compliance, you make sure your organization is meeting the industry standards and legal requirements.

In the same way, a good security system ensures a safe environment to work in while reducing the risk of any potential threat. Regulatory compliance and security come hand in hand, and each of them is equally important for the growth of any organization.

To implement compliance and security, it is important to train staff about the legal requirements and restrictions alongside the safety measures and what they should do if an unforeseen situation arrives.

All of the benefits shared above have done quite justice to the fact that modern video surveillance cameras are the need of today’s time. They can change the dynamics of your organization’s security and will elevate the security of your organization to a more secure level.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh for more information.

Tips for Crowd Management at Events

Tips for Crowd Management at Events

Looking for tips for crowd management at events?

If you are an event organizer and planning to host a public event soon, this blog is for you. Before planning any event, the first and most important step is to decide on the venue and number of guests. The guests should be invited as per the capacity of the venue and availability of resources; failure to do so results in a crowded and chaotic event.

If you are the host of the event, you should prioritize every guest and facilitate them equally, but that’s only possible when the event is not overcrowded. Here are some useful tips that should be taken into account when planning an event to help with crowd management;

Assess the Event and Venue

The first thing you need to do in crowd management is assess the event and venue. You should have a clear idea of the capacity of the venue and the number of guests that can be entertained in the available space. Make sure to keep an eye on the guest list and not allow visitors to exceed the maximum guest limit.

One major reason for a crowded event is allowing too many people without having an idea of the capacity of the venue. If the guest list is prepared to keep in mind the venue capacity, it makes the event less crowded, and each guest is catered to and facilitated peacefully.

Determine Crowd Density and Flow Patterns

Depending on the type of event, it is important to have an idea of the flow patterns and crowd density. If the event is to take place in different slots, then it is better to manage the crowd according to the given slots and not entertain any guest on any other slot timings.

More people can be entertained for the event if slots and specific timings are set and communicated well to the guests so that each guest arriving at their specific slot can take full advantage of the event without any chaos.

Develop a Risk Management Strategy

Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime. Therefore, it is important to develop a risk management strategy. Look out for the potential risks or chances of an emergency on the premises to assess the situation. Once all risks are identified, then a smart strategy should be planned to take action against them and prevent them from taking place.

A great risk management strategy assures a successful event and great customer experience, which in turn benefits the growth of the organization. A risk management strategy is developed to identify, assess, respond to, and monitor all possible risk factors.

Staff Training and Deployment

Staff training is essential for any event, they not only help guests by guiding them in the right direction but also play an important role in resolving conflicts among guests. If an unforeseen situation arrives, the event staff are advised to evacuate the scene and direct the guests to emergency exits.

Staff of the event are the first ones to communicate with the guests. Therefore, they should have great communication skills and should be welcoming. In a lot of cases, staff members play an important role in restricting guests from entering the private parts of the building and managing the crowd smartly.

Hire Security Guards

It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to have security guards on board for any event, be it a public entertainment event or a corporate meeting. Security should be prioritized in any public event and should not be compromised, therefore, hiring trained and well-equipped security guards is important.

Security guards ensure the safe and smooth execution of the event; they conduct strict security checks at the check-in to make sure no armed or unauthorized person enters the premises. Security guards keep the premises under observation and report immediately if any suspicious activity or person is seen.

In case of emergency, security guards not only provide fast emergency response by evacuating the scene but also provide first aid and contact the nearest healthcare facility for medical help. Another benefit of having security guards on board is that they help prevent crimes, their presence does not allow any criminal to execute any illegal activity that could harm the people. The presence of security guards also provides a sense of safety for the attendees.

All key factors discussed above can be beneficial in managing the crowd and making sure the event turns out to be successful.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh for more information.

Security Guard vs Body Guard: The Differences

Security Guard vs Body Guard

Wants to know the difference between security guard vs body guard?

Considering the deteriorating situation and increased criminal activities, the importance of security is increasing day by day. Due to these reasons, many security services are emerging making a significance in the industry. These companies provide various services of security guards, bodyguards, surveillance systems, etc. Two common services among these are security guards and bodyguards. These two roles have their own significance but perform similar duties. In actuality, there is a vast difference in their responsibilities, skills, jobs, training, and cost.

Today our blog will deep dive into the difference between security guard and bodyguard duties and discuss how both have different roles and duties which makes them unique. Understanding their differences will make you make the correct decision for yourself which will help you in a specific situation.

Discussing the Role & duties of Body Guard

The main role of a skilled professional bodyguard is to provide protection and security to an individual. Bodyguard services are used by individuals like high-net-worth businessmen who have risks or threats, high-profile celebrities, executives, and politicians. A bodyguard can be hired by anyone who needs it. The hired personal bodyguard ensures the individual client’s safety, providing both armed and unarmed security. Their role is to escort or accompany clients on meets and events, go through the overall risk assessment, and devise security plans.

Bodyguards are generally close protection offers; it is part of the nature of their job. There may be a unit of bodyguards accompanying a high-profile, important person. The threats can be of different natures, including criminal activity, assassination attacks, terrorists, stakes, or any political attacks. The bodyguard is responsible for protecting his/her client from any possible threat and ensuring their safety. On the other hand, the bodyguard job is also discreet, as it is a high-profile nature of work.

Primary Focus: the primary focus is an individual or a small group of individuals who require security against any kind of threat. The clients are mostly high-profile individuals like celebrities, politicians, and business executives).

Duties: Below are listed the duties which Bodyguards are responsible for ensuring.

  • Bodyguards take charge of the situation and assess the threats to make sure the perimeter is safe.
  • They accompany their client in their daily activities like travel, personal appearances, and events
  • Physically intervene to protect the client from any risk
  • Effectively responding to immediate threats and emergencies.

Skills & Training: Bodyguard training mostly includes self-defence tactics, usage of firearms, first aid, assessment of threats, and driving. Main training also includes quick decision-making ability and situational awareness.

Work Environment: Bodyguards are generally aligned with their clients and are working nearby. They often live and travel side by side has quite a bit of involvement in clients’ personal lives. 

Discussing the Role & duties of Security Guard 

The role of a security guard is different from that of the bodyguard. Security guards are protecting people and property. The protected area is a dedicated space that the security guard is responsible for protecting. Examples where security guards are involved are locations like office buildings, homes, event venues, or shopping centers. Another part of their duty also includes monitoring security cameras, conducting patrols, and responding to emergencies and incidents. They have a visible presence, which also helps in deterring criminal activities.        

Primary Focus: The main focus of a security guard is protecting and securing a specific location or parameter such as an office complex, residential place, retail store, or event venue.

Duties: Below are listed the duties that security guards are responsible for ensuring.

  • They are monitoring and securing the exit and entry points to avoid any unauthorized access
  • Monitoring of security cameras and CCTV
  • Patrolling and securing the parameter.
  • Responding to emergencies, alarms, or other incidents.
  • Assisting the visitors and guests at a specific location or event.
  • Providing detailed reports of any incident to the authorities.

Skills & Training: Security guards receive specific training for basic security and procedures, emergency responses, and communication skills. They have good observation skills and notice any unusual activity around them.

Work Environment: Routine tasks are performed by security guards within in desired location and maintaining a physical security presence. These security guards are designated to specific assigned locations to perform their duties.

Both roles are equally important to maintain safe and secure surroundings operating in different contexts. Both bodyguards and security guards possess a different set of skills to perform their responsibilities and duties. Before making a decision, make sure to go through the important details of their job responsibilities so you can make the right choice.

Contact AB Securitas a security service company in Bangladesh to hire security guards.

Top Reasons To Have a Property Security Guard

Property Security Guard

Wants to know top reasons to have a property security guard?

In this modern day and age, traditional security is equally important and has significance as compared to digital security. Whether you manage or own a property that is residential, industrial, or commercial, it’s an important decision whether to invest in a proper security guard service.

In these unpredictable times, there is an increase in crime, so it’s important to consider a security guard to protect your property. Among a couple of factors that are important in owning and maintaining a property is its safety and security. Keeping your property safe and secure affects its progress, aftersales, and appearance. And ultimately the most important is your peace of mind.

Through security guards, we can help your families, businesses, houses, and other land assets from different natures of possible violence and intruders.

A property security guard has a crucial role, which we will discuss in the blog. The blog will elaborate on how having a security guard for both residential and business properties can be beneficial.

Security Guard for a residential property/complex

Residential Properties are apartment complexes, residences, and gated communities. Security guards mitigate threats such as vandalism, criminal activities, burglary, and trespassing. They maintain a safe and secure environment. The residential property security guards ensure the safety of the residents, their belongings, and assets. Mostly, the duties of a property security guard also include patrolling the premises, monitoring the access points, and deterring intruders. The security guard also ensures a secure living environment for residents.

The property security guards’ main duties include conducting property patrols. They are regularly on patrols to check if there are any signs of suspicious activities and monitor any kind of security breaches. Identities of all the visitors are ensured when it is necessary, and only authorized guests are allowed to enter the property.

Let’s list down some common duties that are being performed by security guards to secure the property.

  1. Protection of Residents: This is the main and utmost duty of the security guard. It’s the guard’s responsibility to secure the residents in the house or complex.
  2. Alarm Response: Security guards are responsible for responding to any kind of security alarms and making sure any kind of breach is avoided. They investigate the cause of the alarm and address any kinds of threats.
  3. Protecting your belongings/assets: Any assets and your belongings are being protected by the property security guard. They make sure any kind of theft or burglary incident does not occur. In case you are away from the property, they make sure that the belongings are secured.
  4. Protecting your loved ones: When you are away from home, you are at peace of mind that your loved ones, family, and friends are being protected against any kind of threat. 

Security Guard for Business and Commercial Properties

As it’s important to keep your residential property safe, it’s equally important to keep your workplace secure. High-priced assets are placed at your business property that generate revenue, and it’s important to secure them.  Let’s discuss the top reasons and benefits below. 

  1. Reduced Risk of Unlawful Activities:Having a security guard protecting your workplace property is important. It’s very crucial to maintain a healthy environment so that you can do business. The presence of a security guard reduces the risk of any unlawful activity taking place that would harm your property, business, and people associated with it. 
  1. Prevention of unwanted Visitors: Whether you own a business or you are a retailer, it’s often your property will be having visitors on a regular basis. For this, security guards on your property can ensure that the visitors are welcomed properly and that only authorized persons are allowed to enter, preventing any criminal activity. 
  1. Vandalism: Vandalism is another important issue that many business and commercial property owners face. At times, it can be very time-consuming to fix and also costly. The designated security guard for your property can prevent these kinds of vandalism during working and off-working hours. 
  1. Emergency response plan: A trained and skilled security guard on your property can help in emergency response and take control of the situation immediately. They can contribute to evacuating the building efficiently and protecting the assets and employees. Similarly, in the event of a fire, trained and skilled security guards can be an asset for your business.
  1. Secure opening and closing of premises: In this modern day and age, there are business and commercial properties that have different work timings. An employee may have different timings to come in and out depending on their work role. The presence of a security guard at the property can undertake the opening and closing of the business along with securing the assets and property.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh to hire security guards.

8 Top Security Guards Responsibilities

Security Guards Responsibilities

Wants to know top security guards responsibilities?

A security guard plays an important role in maintaining a safe environment, be it for a residence or workplace. The need for security guards for a home and workplace cannot be denied. A trained security guard can help prevent criminal activities. It also provides a sense of safety for the people. A security guard has many responsibilities on their shoulder, and this blog will highlight the most important ones. Let’s not wait further and discuss the top responsibilities of a security guard.

Prevention of Crime

The first and most important responsibility of a security guard is to prevent criminal activities and theft from taking place. This can be done by closely monitoring the premises and taking immediate action if a suspicious person or activity is seen. When the premises are looked after by trained personnel, it automatically does not let the criminals execute any theft or robbery.

24/7 Monitoring and Surveillance

It is the responsibility of the security guard to stay alert and active during working hours and monitor the surroundings as well as the visitors entering and exiting the premises. If the security guard is appointed for a workplace, then he must conduct strict security checks before letting any visitor in. Under the surveillance of a security guard, the rate of theft and robbery drops down as the presence of a security guard does not encourage criminals to conduct any criminal activity.

Urgent Reporting

If an unforeseen situation takes place, like a fire breakout or robbery, then it is the responsibility of the security guard to urgently report to the concerned authorities to ensure immediate action. Security guards are usually the first ones to observe an emergency. Therefore, they should be alert and aware. By urgent reporting, the situation can be handled smartly and taken into control. The role of a security guard in an emergency situation is of utmost importance; it is thereby the responsibility of the security guard to sensibility perform his duty.

Emergency Response

The security guard is responsible for providing fast emergency response; this includes urgent reporting about the incident. Evacuating the scene and directing people to a safe exit. A security guard will only be able to perform his duty well if he is trained enough. Therefore, it should be noted a trained security guard can be more useful in tackling complex situations as compared to an untrained security guard.

First Aid

If a medical emergency arrives on the premises, it is the responsibility of the security guard to contact a healthcare facility immediately. To further handle the situation, the security guards are trained in first aid, like CPR, to allow them to help the injured ones until the healthcare providers arrive at the scene.

Maintaining Confidentiality

If a security guard is appointed to look after the record room containing important documents and confidential information, then they must follow the rules strictly and should not allow any irrelevant person to enter the premises. If any unwanted person is seen, they should urgently take action and restrict them from accessing private information. This also includes the private areas of the premises, which visitors are not allowed to access. They should keep a strict security check before allowing any visitor to enter the restricted area.

Regular Patrols

It is the responsibility of the security guards to carry out regular patrols; this can help suspect any suspicious person or activity. The regular patrols also ensure a safe environment and do not prevent any indent event from taking place. By conducting regular patrols, security guards can ensure everything is under control, and no area is left unsupervised.

Following Regulations

The security guard needs to follow the regulations of the place they are appointed in and make others follow the regulations, too. If they see someone breaking the rules, they are supposed to take action against it. A security guard is responsible for making sure the environment of the workplace is safe, and rules are being followed.

The presence of a security guard impacts the workplace in many ways; it creates a safe environment for people to work in. Prevent any indecent event from taking place, and if an emergency arrives, they are there to provide their services by informing the concerned authorities and rescuing people. A security guard also activates the fire and emergency alarms to inform the people that an emergency has taken place.

Contact AB Securitas a security service company in Bangladesh to hire security guards.

Security Guard Vs Watchman: The Difference

Security Guard Vs Watchman

Are you deciding to secure your business, event, or property and are confused about which one to hire?  Then You are at the right place. Today, we will be guiding you with the benefits and key differences between security guard vs watchman. Both security guards and watchmen play a crucial role in maintaining security, but their responsibilities may differ from each other.

When you hear security guard and watchman, many people think of the same job duties and responsibilities. But in actuality, there is a huge difference between both of them. Even in this day of age people often misunderstand or misinterpret both with each other.

Security guards are licensed, trained professionals who are responsible for the safety and security of a specific person, property, area, or event. They normally work for privately owned security firms, large corporations, or government agencies. This role required a variety of skills that included access control, emergency response, surveillance, and crowd management. Security guards have the authorization to arrest if a situational need arises.

A watchman can be considered a type of security personnel who is responsible for monitoring a specific property or area. The word watchman itself explains its role in monitoring. Watchmen are mostly designated in low-risk areas like residential complexes or small businesses. The role of a watchman is small as he is accountable for checking and securing the doors and windows, using alarms in emergencies, and reporting any suspicious activity to the authorities. Unlike security guards, they are less trained and are unauthorized to make any kind of arrest in case of an incident.

Let’s dive into the key differences and benefits between Security Guards and watchmen

Education and Training

Compared to watchmen, security guards go through more extensive education and training. Security guards are trained with a variety of skills, including defensive techniques and the use of firearms. 

Responsibilities and Duties

Security guard job role includes a wide range of duties and responsibilities if compared with a watchman.  Watchman roles just include monitoring a certain property or place. The security guard’s responsibility roles include managing crowds, accessing control, responding to emergencies, and conducting severance patrols.

Power and Authority

The watchman’s role is just to monitor the property, security guards, in comparison, have a lot of power and authority to act in a situation. The authorities can permit security guards to make necessary arrests depending on the situation that occurred. Security guards are allowed to carry weapons, which watchmen are not allowed because of no training. Security guards can use any type of force to control the area to make it secure.

Risk Level

Watchmen are mostly deployed where the risk level is low and zero to no complication. Property, assets, and VIP personalities that are at high risk are mostly using training security guards for the job. These security guards are used by government officials, large corporations, or events where there are large crowds present. 

To sum up the difference between these two security personnel, it’s crucial to understand the difference between them and remove any misconceptions. By understanding the different roles for both of them, you can smartly decide which one to prefer for your next task or job. While both provide you with safety and protection, protection does differ from one another.  By assessing the factors involved in your personal and business needs, you can judge the requirements and decide the level you require.  There are some common answers listed below, which can ease up your decision-making process.

  • A security guard can be found working as a watchman, but it cannot be the other way around. Security guards require special training and skills which are required for the job.
  • A watchman cannot overlook the duties and responsibilities of a security guard as there is a lack of training and education.
  • Trained skilled security guards have a diploma or equivalent education, along with certifications and skills like first aid and CPR or a driving license.

If we summarize in a nutshell, security guards are costlier and more expensive than watchmen and can perform more duties and roles as compared to the watchman. We would suggest always preferring security guards where the risk is high and adequate skills and experience are required. Other significant qualities of security guards include judgment, proficiency in technology, ethics, communication, ethics, observation skills, and physical fitness.

Contact AB Securitas a security company in Bangladesh to hire security guards.

Top Reasons Why You Need a Security Guard for Factory

Security Guard for Factory

If you’re still worried about the security and protection of your factory, you should not wait further and hire a trained security guard to get away with all your worries. This blog will share the top reasons why you need a security guard for your factory.

Although many advanced security devices have come into use but they cannot replace the presence of an in-person security guard. With a trained security guard taking care of the factory premises, you can sleep peacefully at night without worrying about theft or vandalism. Let’s find out the top reasons that make a security guard a must for your factory;

Prevention of Crime

The presence of a security guard plays an important role in preventing crimes and not encouraging any sort of theft or vandalism. A trained security guard monitors and observes the premises of the factory keenly to detect any potential threat. They keep unwanted visitors away from restricted areas and create a safe environment for the employees.

If any unwanted situation arrives, their quick response and smart decision-making skills allow them to tackle the situation calmly preventing loss or damage.

Emergency Response

Security guards provide quick response in case of an emergency, if a medical emergency takes place, they are advised to inform the concerned authorities immediately. In order to make sure no loss of life takes place they urgently evacuate the scene and direct the employees to the emergency and safe exit.

In some cases, security guards are provided the training in first aid like CPR which in turn helps in saving lives until the healthcare facility reaches the scene. Security guards are usually the first ones to know about an emergency and their urgent and smart response in tackling high-pressure situations plays an important role in reducing the tension and saving the people and property from any sort of damage.

Protection of Asset

For any factory owner apart from protecting their property or building, making sure their inventory and other valuable stuff is safe within the premises is a big concern. With a trained security guard looking after the factory, inventory, and restricted areas you need not worry about the safety of your valuables anymore.

Security guards keep an eye on the valuable assets of the factory and do not allow theft to take place. Hiring a security guard can be a lifesaver for keeping the factory’s property, inventory, and important documentation safe and sound.

Monitoring and Surveillance

Although CCTV cameras installed in the premises of the factory provide you complete coverage of the activities but they cannot replace the role of an in-person security guard. Security guards check the identification of each employee entering the factory and conduct strict security checks to detect any sort of hazardous item that can harm the property.

Apart from this, they also carry out routine inspections in different areas to make sure no unethical activity takes place. They make sure the environment of the factory is safe to work for every employee.

Documentation and Reporting

If an emergency arrives not only the security guard takes immediate actions to handle the situation. They try to calm the employees in panic and tense situations. Security guards also write a detailed report of the incident mentioning the casualties and loss to the property and take necessary measures to overcome the weakness in order to perform their duty more efficiently.

This documentation and reporting are saved in the records of the factory, and lessons are learned from it to make the security system of the factory better and prevent such events from taking place in the future.

Peace of mind for Employees and Workers

The presence of a security guard guarantees a safe and healthy work environment in a factory, it also gives the people working in the factory a sense of being safe. People can work to their full potential if their surroundings are safe and where no unethical activities take place. With a trained security guard taking care of the factory, no indecent events take place that can affect the performance of the employees and the overall growth of the factory.

The above reasons are enough to justify the fact that every factory needs an adequate security system including security guards to maintain the functionality of the factory and create a safe environment to work in.

Contact AB Securitas a leading security company in Bangladesh to hire security guard for factory.

Roles of a Security Guard

Roles of a Security Guard

Wants to know roles of a security guard?

Security guards have many responsibilities on their shoulders and the first and most important part of their job is protecting the people and assets. Trained security guards are passed through different screening tests and training sessions to make them fully aware of their duties and enable them to perform their roles with maximum efficiency and dedication.

If you want to find out the roles of a security guard then this blog is for you, stick to the end of the blog to learn about the roles of a security guard.

Emergency Response

Trained security guards are passed through emergency management training, this training is designed to allow the security guard to take appropriate actions in case of an emergency to reduce the risk of loss and cope with disasters smartly. If an emergency arrives, it’s the role of the security guard to take immediate action towards it.

These actions include urgent reporting to the concerned authorities, evacuating the place, and directing people to emergency exits. In some cases, security guards also provide first aid to the injured ones.

Suggested Read: Security Guard Vs Watchman: The Difference

Urgent Reporting and Observation

The role of a security guard is to keep the premises under keen observation and look for any potential threats. A security guard plays an important role in detecting a threat and is trained to report back to the concerned authorities immediately if any unforeseen situation takes place. When a threat is detected beforehand and urgent actions are taken this in turn reduces the loss and prevents further damage.

In order to keep an eye on the premises, security guards also perform routine inspections of different areas.

Access Control

Access control is one of the most crucial parts of the job for a security guard. Access control includes checking every visitor entering and leaving the premises, not allowing visitors to enter the restricted areas, and keeping a strict security check for data and other records rooms with confidential information. Strict security checks are conducted at the entrance gate to prevent any visitor from entering the premises with any hazardous item.

It is the role of the security guard to check the identification of each visitor before allowing them to enter the premises. Other important procedures included in access control are metal detection and bag checks.

Customer Service

Apart from providing security, it is the role of the security guard to provide better customer service and cater to each visitor politely and respectfully. Security guards are responsible for directing visitors to the lobby or information desk and in case any visitor gets confused about finding the exit they should be there to help the visitors.

Enforcing Safety Protocols

In case of a medical emergency or criminal activity, security guards must enforce safety protocols immediately to prevent loss. This includes urgent reporting, providing first aid, evacuating the scene, and taking appropriate actions to prevent criminal activity. By enforcing safety protocols, a security guard ensures the safety of people and property.

Monitoring and Surveillance

It is the role of a security guard to monitor and provide 24/7 surveillance, they are trained to make use of CCTV cameras and other security devices to make sure no suspicious person or activity is seen around the office. If a suspicious activity is suspected it is their duty to inform immediately and perform prerequisites to avoid any loss.

Detail Report of Incidents

If an unexpected situation or emergency takes place, it is the duty of security guards to immediately handle the situation calmly, this also includes relieving stress among the public in a panic situation. After the incident, they are asked to write a detailed report of the incident and learn from their mistakes to come out with an even more efficient performance for tackling high-pressure situations.

Apart from the duties mentioned above, there are some other important things a security guard should take into consideration. These include being punctual and working with dedication. Additionally, they should wear their uniforms at all times at work and should make sure their uniform is clean and tidy.

A security guard should also have great communication skills to communicate respectfully to visitors and guide them correctly if they have any queries. A security guard should look and talk professionally this is the most important part of their job.

Contact AB Securitas to hire security guard in Bangladesh.